第一章 总则
第一条 为加强对在京融资性担保公司的监督管理,规范融资性担保行为,促进融资性担保行业健康发展,根据《中华人民共和国公司法》、《中华人民共和国担保法》、《中华人民共和国合同法》、《融资性担保公司管理暂行办法》等规定,制定本办法。
第二条 本办法所称融资性担保是指担保人与银行业金融机构等债权人约定,当被担保人不履行对债权人负有的融资性债务时,由担保人依法承担合同约定担保责任的行为。
第三条 融资性担保公司应当以安全性、流动性、收益性为经营原则,建立市场化运作的可持续审慎经营模式。
第四条 融资性担保公司与再担保公司共同构成北京市融资性担保体系的主体。融资性担保公司、再担保公司依法开展业务,不受任何机关、单位和个人的干涉。
第五条 融资性担保公司开展业务,应当遵守法律、法规和本办法的规定,不得损害国家利益和社会公共利益。
第六条 融资性担保公司开展业务应当遵守公平竞争的原则,不得从事不正当竞争。
第七条 建立北京市融资性担保业务监管部门联席会议制度。北京市融资性担保业务监管部门联席会议在融资性担保业务监管部际联席会议和北京市人民政府领导下,负责研究制订促进本市融资性担保业务发展的政策措施,拟订融资性担保业务监督管理制度,协调相关部门共同解决融资性担保业务监管中的重大问题,指导市监管部门对融资性担保业务进行监管和风险处置,办理融资性担保业务监管部际联席会议和北京市人民政府交办的其他事项。
第二章 设立、变更和终止
第八条 在北京市辖区内设立融资性担保公司及其分支机构,应当经市监管部门审查批准。
第九条 设立融资性担保公司,应当具备下列条件:
第十条 在京设立融资性担保公司,注册资本最低限额为人民币5000万元。
第十一条 设立融资性担保公司,应向所在区(县)监管部门提交下列文件:
第十二条 融资性担保公司有下列变更事项之一的,应当经市监管部门批准。
第十三条 在京依法设立的融资性担保公司拟在其他省(区、市)设立分支机构的,应满足以下条件:
第十四条 融资性担保公司因分立、合并或出现公司章程规定的解散事由需要解散的,应当向所在区(县)监管部门报送申请材料并经市监管部门审查批准,凭批准文件及时向工商行政管理部门申请注销登记。
第十五条 融资性担保公司有重大违法经营行为,严重危害市场秩序、损害公众利益的,经北京市融资性担保业务监管部门联席会议同意,由市监管部门撤销其经营许可证。法律、行政法规另有规定的除外。
第十六条 融资性担保公司解散或被撤销经营许可证的,应当依法成立清算组或融资性担保在保业务处置组,按照债务清偿计划及时偿还有关债务。区(县)和市监管部门在北京市融资性担保业务监管部门联席会议指导下督促其清算或处置过程。
第十七条 融资性担保公司不能清偿到期债务,且资产不足以清偿全部债务的,经北京市融资性担保业务监管部门联席会议同意,应当依法实施破产。
第三章 业务范围
第十八条 融资性担保公司经市监管部门批准,可以经营下列部分或全部融资性担保业务:
(六) 其他融资性担保业务。
第十九条 融资性担保公司不得从事下列活动:
第二十条 融资性担保公司经市监管部门批准,可以兼营下列部分或全部业务:
(一) 诉讼保全担保。
(二) 投标担保、预付款担保、工程履约担保、尾付款如约偿付担保等履约担保业务。
(三) 与担保业务有关的融资咨询、财务顾问等中介服务。
(四) 以自有资金进行投资。
(五) 监管部门批准的其他业务。
第二十一条 融资性担保公司经监管部门批准,可以开展再担保业务。开展再担保业务应符合以下条件:
(一) 公司经营正常,符合各项监管指标要求。
(二) 公司近两年无违法、违规不良记录,未发生担保诈骗、重大担保代偿损失或投资损失。
(三) 公司董事、监事、高级管理人员近两年内未涉及严重违法、违规等重大事件。
(四) 注册资本不低于人民币8亿元。
(五) 监管部门规定的其他审慎性条件。
第四章 经营规则和风险控制
第二十二条 融资性担保公司应当依法建立健全公司治理结构,完善议事规则、决策程序和内审制度,保持公司治理的有效性。
第二十三条 融资性担保公司应当建立符合审慎经营原则的担保评估制度、决策程序、事后追偿和处置制度、风险预警机制和突发事件应急机制,并制定严格规范的业务操作规程,加强对担保项目的风险评估和管理。
第二十四条 融资性担保公司应当配备或聘请在经济、金融、法律、技术等方面具有相关资格的专业人才。
第二十五条 融资性担保公司应当按照金融企业财务规则、企业会计准则等要求,建立健全财务会计制度,真实记录和反映企业的财务状况、经营成果和现金流量。
第二十六条 融资性担保公司收取的担保费,可根据担保项目的风险程度,由融资性担保公司与被担保人自主协商确定,但不得违反国家有关规定。
第二十七条 融资性担保公司对单个被担保人提供的融资性担保责任余额不得超过其净资产的10%,对单个被担保人及其关联方提供的融资性担保责任余额不得超过其净资产的15%,对单个被担保人债券发行提供的担保责任余额不得超过其净资产的30%。
第二十八条 融资性担保公司的融资性担保责任余额不得超过其净资产的10倍。
第二十九条 融资性担保公司可以自有资金进行投资,仅限于国债、金融债券及大型企业债务融资工具等信用等级较高的固定收益类金融产品,以及不存在利益冲突且总额不高于其净资产20%的其他投资。
第三十条 融资性担保公司不得为其母公司或子公司提供融资性担保。
第三十一条 融资性担保公司应当按照当年担保费收入的50%提取未到期责任准备金,并按不低于当年年末担保责任余额1%的比例提取担保赔偿准备金。
第三十二条 融资性担保公司与债权人应当按照协商一致的原则建立业务关系,并在合同中明确约定承担担保责任的方式。
第三十三条 融资性担保公司办理融资性担保业务,应当与被担保人约定在担保期间可持续获得相关信息并有权对相关情况进行核实。
第三十四条 融资性担保公司与债权人应当建立担保期间被担保人相关信息的交换机制,加强对被担保人的信用辅导和监督,共同维护双方的合法权益。
第三十五条 融资性担保公司应当按照规定,将公司治理情况、财务会计报告、风险管理状况、资本金构成及运用情况、担保业务总体情况等信息告知相关债权人。
第五章 监督管理
第三十六条 市监管部门应当建立健全融资性担保公司信息资料收集、整理、统计分析制度和监管记分制度。区(县)监管部门对辖区内融资性担保公司经营及风险状况进行持续监测,于每年5月底前完成所监管融资性担保公司上一年度机构概览报告,并报送市监管部门。市监管部门于每年6月底前完成全市融资性担保公司上一年度机构概览报告,并报送融资性担保业务监管部际联席会议。
第三十七条 融资性担保公司应当主动接受市、区(县)监管部门的监督管理,按照规定向市、区(县)监管部门报送经营报告、财务会计报告、合法合规报告等文件和信息。
第三十八条 融资性担保公司应当按季度向市、区(县)监管部门报告资本金运用情况。
第三十九条 融资性担保公司应按照监管部门要求提供专项资料。
第四十条 监管部门根据监管需要,可以对融资性担保公司进行现场检查。融资性担保公司应当予以配合,并按照监管部门的要求提供有关文件、信息。
第四十一条 融资性担保公司发生担保诈骗、担保代偿或投资损失金额可能达到其净资产5%以上的,以及董事、监事、高级管理人员涉及严重违法、违规等重大事件时,应当立即采取应急措施并向市、区(县)监管部门报告。
第四十二条 融资性担保公司应当及时向监管部门报告股东大会或股东会、董事会等会议的重要决议。
第四十三条 融资性担保公司应当聘请符合市监管部门规定的社会中介机构进行年度审计,并将审计报告及时报送区(县)监管部门。
第四十四条 市监管部门应当会同有关部门建立融资性担保行业突发事件的发现、报告和处置制度,制定融资性担保行业突发事件处置预案,明确处置机构及其职责、处置措施和处置程序,及时、有效地处置融资性担保行业突发事件。
第四十五条 市监管部门应当于每年年末全面分析评估本辖区融资性担保行业年度发展和监管情况,经北京市融资性担保业务监管部门联席会议同意后,于每年2月底前向融资性担保业务监管部际联席会议和北京市人民政府报告本辖区上一年度融资性担保行业发展情况和监管情况。
第四十六条 融资性担保行业应建立行业自律组织,履行自律、维权、服务等职责。
第四十七条 征信管理部门将融资性担保公司的有关信息纳入征信管理体系,并为融资性担保公司查询相关信息提供服务。
第六章 法律责任
第四十八条 市、区(县)监管部门从事监督管理工作的人员有下列情形之一的,依法予以处理;构成犯罪的,依法移送司法机关:
第四十九条 融资性担保公司违反法律、法规及本办法规定,有关法律、法规有处罚规定的,依照规定给予处罚;构成犯罪的,依法移送司法机关。
第五十条 未经市监管部门审查批准,擅自经营融资性担保业务的,由有关部门依法予以取缔并处罚;擅自在名称中使用“融资性担保”字样的,由市监管部门责令改正,拒不改正的,依法予以取缔并处罚。
第七章 附 则
第五十一条 外商投资的融资性担保公司适用本办法,法律、行政法规另有规定的,依照其规定。
第五十二条 本办法施行前已经设立的融资性担保公司未达到本办法规定要求的,应于2011年3月31日前达到本办法规定要求。
第五十三条 本办法自公布之日起施行。
Notice on Printing and Distributing the Interim Measures for the Administration of Beijing Financing Guarantee Companies and Opinions on the Standardization Work of Financing Guarantee Companies
People's governments of districts (counties) and financing guarantee institutions in Beijing:
For the purpose of strengthening the regulation of financing guarantee companies, regulating financing guarantee actions and promoting the sound development of the financing guarantee sector, with the approval of the Beijing Municipal People's Government, the Interim Measures for the Administration of Beijing Financing Guarantee Companies and Opinions on Developing Standardization of Financing Guarantee Companies are printed and issued to you. Please comply with them.
Beijing Municipal Bureau of Financial Work
Beijing Office of China Banking Regulatory Commission
Beijing Municipal Development and Reform Commission
Beijing Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology
Beijing Municipal Bureau of Finance
Beijing Municipal Commission of Commerce
Business Management Department of the People's Bank of China
Beijing Municipal Bureau of Industry and Commerce Administration
December 31, 2010
Interim Measures for the Administration of Beijing Financing Guarantee Companies
Chapter 1 General Provisions
Article 1 The measures herein are formulated in accordance with the Company Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Guarantee Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China and Interim Measures for the Administration of Financing Guarantee Companies for the purpose of strengthening the regulation of financing guarantee companies, regulating financing guarantee actions and promoting the sound development of the financing guarantee sector.
Article 2 The financing guarantee herein refers to the actions by which the guarantor enters into a contract with creditors including banking financial institutions, stating that it/he will assume the liabilities as agreed in the contract when the guaranteed party fails to fulfill its/his obligations to the creditors.
The financing guarantee company herein refers to the limited liability company and the joint stock limited company that is duly established and engages in financing guarantee business.
The re-guarantee company herein refers to the limited liability company and the joint stock limited company that is duly established and provides guarantees for guarantee responsibilities of financing guarantee companies.
The regulatory agency herein refers to the department determined by the People’s governments of provinces, autonomous regions or the municipalities directly under the Central Government responsible for regulating the financing guarantee companies within its jurisdiction.
Article 3 Financing guarantee companies shall establish the market-oriented sustainable prudent operation model in the operating principles of safety, liquidity and profitability.
Financing guarantee companies shall follow the principles of good faith and honesty and abide by what is agreed in their contracts in their businesses with enterprises, banking financial institutions and other clients.
Article 4 The financing guarantee company and the re-guarantee company together constitute the main body of the Beijing financing guarantee system. Financing guarantee companies may conduct their businesses according to law free from intervention of any agency, unit and individual.
Article 5 Financing guarantee companies shall observe laws, regulations and the provisions herein and may not jeopardize the state interests and the public interests when conducting their businesses.
Financing guarantee companies shall discharge confidentiality obligation for their clients and may not use any of the information provided by their clients to undertake any activity irrelevant with the guarantee business or harmful to the interests of the clients.
Article 6 Financing guarantee companies shall follow the principle of fair competition and shall not conduct any unfair competition.
Article 7 Article 7 Establish a system of joint meeting of Beijing financing guarantee business supervision departments. Under the Interdepartmental Joint Conference for Regulation of Financing Guarantee Business and the Beijing Municipal People's Government, the joint meeting of Beijing financing guarantee business supervision departments is responsible for researching and formulating policies and measures to promote the development of the city's financing guarantee business, formulating the financing guarantee business supervision and management system, coordinating relevant departments to jointly solve the major problems in financing guarantee business supervision, guiding municipal supervisory authorities in the supervision and risk management of financing guarantee business, and handling other matters assigned by the joint conference system for the financing guarantee business supervision department and the Beijing Municipal People's Government.
The joint meeting of Beijing financing guarantee business supervision departments is composed of Beijing Office of China Banking Regulatory Commission, Beijing Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Beijing Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology, Beijing Municipal Bureau of Finance, Beijing Municipal Commission of Commerce, Business Management Department of the People's Bank of China, Beijing Municipal Bureau of Industry and Commerce Administration, Office of Legislative Affairs of Beijing Municipal People's Government and Beijing Municipal Bureau of Financial Work, in which the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Financial Work is the lead agency.
The convener of the joint meeting of Beijing financing guarantee business supervision departments is served by the director of the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Financial Work. The members are the responsible comrades of each member unit. The joint meeting office is located in Beijing Municipal Bureau of Financial Work and assumes the daily work of the joint meeting. There is a liaison officer in the joint meeting, served by the responsible comrades in the relevant departments of the joint meeting member units. All member units work in accordance with the division of responsibilities, take the initiative to study issues related to the supervision of the financing guarantee business, actively participate in the joint meeting, and conscientiously implement the tasks assigned by the joint meeting.
The joint meeting of Beijing financing guarantee business supervision departments shall report to the Interdepartmental Joint Conference for Regulation of Financing Guarantee Business and the Beijing Municipal People's Government. Significant matters must be reported to the Beijing Municipal People's Government for approval.
Chapter 2 Establishment, Alteration and Termination
Article 8 The establishment of a financing guarantee company and its branches is subject to the examination and approval of the regulatory agency.
The district (county) regulatory agency is responsible for the acceptance of applications for the establishment of financing guarantee companies and their branches, and submits all application materials to the city's regulatory agency for review and approval after acceptance.
The financing guarantee company and its branches established upon approval shall obtain the business licenses issued by the regulatory agency and apply to the administration for industry and commerce for registration on the strength of the licenses. The financing guarantee company shall, within 30 days after completing the industrial and commercial registration, file with the financial department at the same level in accordance with the Financial Rules for Financial Enterprises.
Any unit or individual without approval of the regulatory agency shall not engage in financing guarantee businesses and use the characters of “financing guarantee” in its name, except as otherwise provided in laws and regulations.
Article 9 The following conditions shall be satisfied to establish a financing guarantee company:
(1) Having the articles of associations in compliance with the Company Law of the People’s Republic of China;
(2) Having shareholders with the capability of sustainable capital contribution;
(3) Having the registered capital in compliance with the provisions herein;
(4) Having qualified directors, supervisors, officers and practitioners;
(5) Having sound institutional structure, internal control and risk management systems;
(6) Having business places as required; and
(7) Other prudent requirements as provided by the regulatory agency.
The measures for the administration of the qualifications of directors, supervisors, officers and practitioners shall be formulated by the Interdepartmental Joint Conference for Regulation of Financing Guarantee Business separately.
Article 10 The regulatory agency shall fix the minimum amount of the registered capital of a financing guarantee company according to local reality, which shall not be less than RMB 50 million.
The minimum registered capital of a re-guarantee company in Beijing shall not be less than RMB 800 million.
The registered capital shall be the paid-in capital in cash.
If a financial guarantee company registered in other provinces and cities establishes a branch within the jurisdiction of Beijing, it shall allocate a working capital of no less than 50 million yuan to the branch to be established and meet relevant regulatory requirements of the city.
The sum of the working capital allocated by Beijing financing guarantee companies to the branches outside the jurisdiction of Beijing shall not exceed 60% of the total capital of the company. The remaining capital shall meet the relevant requirements of the city.
Article 11 The following documents and materials shall be submitted to the regulatory agency to establish a financing guarantee company:
(1) An application, stating the name, domicile, registered capital and business scope of the financing guarantee company to be established;
(2) A feasibility research report;
(3) The draft articles of association;
(4) The name list of shareholders and their contributed capital and the equity structure;
(5) The verification reports of capital contributions by shareholders and the certificates of credit standing and the relevant materials of the shareholders who holds more than 5% of the registered capital;
(6) The qualification certificates of directors, supervisors and officers to be appointed;
(7) The business development strategy and plans;
(8) The certificates of business places;
(9) Legal opinions issued by intermediary agencies that meet the requirements of the regulatory agency;
(10) A letter of commitment issued by the applicant for compliance with the present Measures; and
(11) Other documents and materials required by the regulatory agency.
The district (county) regulatory agency is responsible for the acceptance of application. After acceptance, the full set of application materials shall be submitted to the regulatory agency.
The regulatory agency shall complete the review of the proposed financing guarantee company and make a decision of approval or disapproval within 20 days after receiving the full set of materials submitted by the supervisory department of the district (county). After the approval of the regulatory agency, a business license will be issued.
If the regulatory agency needs to employ intermediary agencies and experts to conduct assessments in accordance with the law, the required time is not within the time limit, and the regulatory agency shall inform the applicant of the specific time required.
Article 12 The alteration of any of the following items by a financing guarantee company shall be subject to the examination and approval of the regulatory agency:
(1) Alteration of name;
(2) Alteration of institutional structure;
(3) Alteration of registered capital;
(4) Alteration of domicile;
(5) Adjustment of business scope;
(6) Alteration of any director, supervisor and officer;
(7) Alteration of any shareholder holding more than 5% of the registered capital;
(8) Division or merger;
(9) Amendment of the articles of association; or
(10) Other alteration items provided by the regulatory agency.
The application for the alteration of financing guarantee company shall be handled by the district (county) regulatory agency, and the full set of materials shall be reported to the regulatory agency for review; The application for the alteration of re-guarantee company shall be handled by the regulatory agency.
The regulatory agency shall, within 20 days after receiving the complete set of change application materials, complete the review of the proposed change of the financing guarantee company and the re-guarantee company, and make a decision of approval or disapproval.
When any of the alteration items involves company registration items, the financing guarantee company shall, after examination and approval of the regulatory agency, apply to the administration for industry and commerce for alteration of registration.
Article 13 If a financing guarantee company legally established in Beijing plans to set up branches in other provinces (autonomous regions or municipalities), it shall meet the following conditions:
(1) The company operates normally and meets the requirements of various regulatory indicators.
(2) There was no guarantee fraud, major guarantee compensation loss or investment loss in the past two years.
(3) The company’s directors, supervisors and senior management personnel have not involved serious incidents such as serious violation of laws or regulations in the past two years.
(4) The company has set up more than two independent directors, as well as chief risk officer and chief compliance officer.
(5) Other conditions stipulated by the regulatory agency.
If a financing guarantee company legally established in Beijing plans to set up branches in other provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities), it shall submit application materials to the regulatory agency of the district (county) where it is located. After acceptance, the full set of application materials shall be submitted to the regulatory agency.
The regulatory agency shall make a decision of approval or disapproval within 20 days after receiving the full set of application materials.
If a financing guarantee company legally established in other provinces (autonomous regions or municipalities) intends to establish a branch in Beijing, in addition to the materials specified in Article XI, it shall also submit the approval documents of the local regulatory agency.
Article 14 Where a financing guarantee company intends to dissolve due to division, merger or any dissolution issue as stipulated in its articles of association, it shall obtain the approval of the regulatory agency and go through the cancellation registration with the administration for industry and commerce with the approval documents in a timely manner.
Article 15 Where a financing guarantee company conducts any material illegal operation and may bring great harms to the market order and the public interests if it is not cancelled, the regulatory agency shall cancel the company, except as otherwise provided in laws and administrative regulations.
Article 16 Where a financing guarantee company is to be dissolved or cancelled, it shall set up a liquidation group and pay off the relevant debts according to the debt liquidation plan in a timely manner. The regulatory agency of the district (county) and city shall supervise over the liquidation or disposal process under the guidance of the joint meeting of Beijing financing guarantee business supervision departments.
Before the release of financing guarantee responsibilities, the company’s shareholders shall not distribute company assets or obtain any benefits from the company.
Article 17 A financing guarantee company which fails to pay off its due debts and does not have sufficient property to pay off all of its debts or obviously does not have the liquidation capability shall go bankruptcy according to law with the approval of the joint meeting of Beijing financing guarantee business supervision departments.
Before the release of financing guarantee responsibilities, the company’s shareholders shall not distribute company assets or obtain any benefits from the company.
Chapter 3 Business Scope
Article 18 Upon approval of the regulatory agency, financing guarantee companies may operate the following financing guarantee business, wholly or partially:
(1) Loan guarantee;
(2) Guarantee of acceptance of bills;
(3) Trade financing guarantee;
(4) Project financing guarantee;
(5) Guarantee of letter of credit; and
(6) Other financing guarantee businesses.
Article 19 Financing guarantee companies shall not engage in the following activities:
(1) Acceptance of deposits;
(2) Granting of loans;
(3) Entrusted granting of loans;
(4) Entrusted investment; and
(5) Other activities as provided by the regulatory agency.
If a financing guarantee company engages in any illegal fund-raising activity, it shall be investigated and punished by the municipal or district (county) regulatory agency according to law.
Article 20 Upon approval of the regulatory agency, financing guarantee companies may concurrently operate the following businesses, wholly or partially:
(1) Procedural preservation guarantee;
(2) Tender guarantee, advance payment guarantee, project performance guarantee, guarantee of payment of the remaining price of a project, and other guarantees of performance of agreements;
(3) Financing consulting, financial consulting and other intermediary services related to the guarantee business;
(4) Investment with its own capital; and
(5) Other businesses approved by the regulatory agency.
Article 21 A financing guarantee company may provide there-guarantee business with the approval of the regulatory agency, but the following conditions shall be satisfied meanwhile:
(1) The company operates normally and meets the requirements of various regulatory indicators.
(2) There were no any illegal or illegal records, and there was no guarantee fraud, major guarantee compensation loss or investment loss in the past two years.
(3) The company’s directors, supervisors and senior management personnel have not involved serious incidents such as serious violation of laws or regulations in the past two years.
(4) The registered capital shall not be less than RMB 800 million.
(5) Other prudent conditions as provided by the regulatory agency.
Chapter 4 Operation Rules and Risk Control
Article 22 A financing guarantee company shall establish a sound corporate governance structure and improve its discussion rules, decision-making procedures and internal approval systems to maintain the effectiveness of corporate governance.
Qualified financing guarantee companies shall set up independent directors, Chief Risk Officer, Chief Compliance Officer and so on. The position of Chief Compliance Officer and the Chief Risk Officer shall held by individuals who have obtained the corresponding qualifications required by the municipal regulatory agency and have skills and experience in financing guarantees or finance.
Article 23 A financing guarantee company shall establish the guarantee assessment system, decision-making procedures, the follow-up recovery and disposal system, the risk early-warning system and the emergency response system consistent with the prudent operation principle, and formulate strict and standard business operation procedures to strengthen efforts on risk assessment and management of guarantee projects.
Article 24 A financing guarantee company shall have or employ professionals with the relevant qualifications in economics, finance, law and technology.
Article 25 A financing guarantee company shall set up a sound financial accounting system in accordance with the requirements of the financial rules for financial enterprises and the accounting standards for business, truly recording and reflecting the financial status, operation results and cash flows of the company.
Article 26 The guarantee charges collected by a financing guarantee company may be agreed by the financing guarantee company and the guaranteed party through independent negotiation, but no provision of the state may be violated.
Article 27 The financing guarantee liability balance to an individual guaranteed party by a financing guarantee company shall not exceed 10% of its net assets; that to an individual guaranteed party and its affiliated party shall not exceed 15% of the net assets; and that to the bond issuance by an individual guaranteed party shall not exceed 30% of the net assets.
Article 28 The financing guarantee liability balance of a financing guarantee company shall not exceed the amount of 10 times of its net assets
For the financing guarantee business that introduces re-guarantee, the balance of the guarantee liability shall be the balance of the guarantee liability after the re-guarantee underwriting ratio is reduced.
Article 29 The investment of a financing guarantee company with its own capital shall be limited to the fixed-earning financial products with relatively high credit ratings including treasury bonds, financial bonds and debt financing instruments of large enterprises and other investments without interest conflict and with the total amount less than 20% of its net assets.
Article 30 A financing guarantee company shall not provide financing guarantee to its parent company or subsidiaries.
Article 31 A financing guarantee company shall draw the amount equal to 50% of its guarantee income of the year as its undue liability reserve and the amount no less than 1% of the balance of the year-end guarantee liability in the same year as the guarantee compensation reserve.
For the financing guarantee business that introduces re-guarantee, the withdrawal of the guarantee compensation provision shall be calculated after pro rata reduction of the balance of the guarantee responsibilities of the re-guarantee.
If the accumulated guarantee compensation reserve reaches 10% of the balance of the guarantee liability of the year, the difference shall be recognized as a provision.
The regulatory agency may improve the requirements on the percentage of the guarantee compensation reserve according to the liability risk conditions of the financing guarantee company and the prudent regulation requirements.
A financing guarantee company shall conduct risk classification management of its guarantee liabilities and accurately measure its guarantee liability risks.
Article 32 A financing guarantee company and its creditors shall establish the business relationship in the principle of unanimous negotiation and make clear the means of assumption of guarantee liabilities in their contracts.
Article 33 When handling financing guarantee business, a financing guarantee company shall make agreement with the guaranteed party that it is entitled to continuously obtain the relevant information and verify the relevant situation during the guarantee period.
Article 34 A financing guarantee company and its creditor shall establish the mechanism for exchange of the relevant information related to the guaranteed party during the guarantee period and enhance efforts on assistance and supervision of the credit of the guaranteed party so as to safeguard both parties’ legitimate rights and interests.
Article 35 A financing guarantee company shall inform the relevant creditors of the corporate governance, financial accounting reports, risk management conditions, capital composition and use and the general situation of guarantee business in accordance with the provisions of the regulatory agency.
Chapter 5 Supervision and Administration
Article 36 The municipal regulatory agency shall establish sound systems of collection, collation and statistical analysis of the information of the financing guarantee company. The regulatory agency of the district (county) shall carry out ongoing monitoring of the operation and risk conditions of the company within its jurisdiction, and complete the previous-year overview reports of the financing guarantee companies and submit the report to the municipal regulatory agency by the end of May every year. The municipal regulatory agency complete the previous-year overview reports of the financing guarantee companies in the whole city and submit the report to the Interdepartmental Joint Conference for Regulation of Financing Guarantee Business by the end of June every year.
Article 37 A financing guarantee company shall take the initiative to accept the supervision and management of the municipal and district (county) regulatory authorities, and submit its operation reports, financial accounting statements, legal compliance reports and other documents and materials to the regulatory authorities according to the regulation.
The documents and materials submitted to the regulatory agency by the financing guarantee company shall be true, accurate and complete.
Article 38 Financing guarantee companies shall report to the regulatory agency the use of capital on a quarterly basis.
The regulatory agency shall give the requirements on the capital quality and capital adequacy ratio of a financing guarantee company in a timely manner with the approval of the joint meeting of Beijing financing guarantee business supervision departments according to the principle of prudent regulation.
Article 39 The regulatory agency has the right to require a financing guarantee company provide special materials, make an appointment to meet with its directors, supervisors and officers, and require it to make an explanation or make necessary ratification according to regulatory requirements.
The regulatory agency of the district (county) shall submit the record of the conversation to the municipal regulatory agency after the regulatory conversation. The municipal regulatory agency may, if it deems it necessary, inform the creditors of the violation or risk situation of the financing guarantee company.
Article 40 The regulatory agency may conduct on-site inspection of a financing guarantee company according to regulatory requirements, and the financing guarantee company shall give assistance and provide the relevant documents and materials as required.
When conducting on-site inspection, inspectors shall be no less than two and produce the notice of inspection and the relevant certificates to the financing guarantee company.
Article 41 When a guarantee fraud or a guarantee compensation or investment loss of the potential amount exceeding 5% of its net assets incurred to a financing guarantee company, or any of its director, supervisor or officer involves in any serious illegal and irregular issue, the company shall immediately take emergency actions and report to the regulatory agency.
Article 42 Financing guarantee companies shall report to the regulatory agency the material decisions of the general meeting of shareholders or meetings of shareholders and the board.
Article 43 Financing guarantee companies shall invite social intermediaries to conduct annual auditing and timely submit the auditing reports to the regulatory agency.
Article 44 The regulatory agency together with the relevant departments shall establish the system of discovery, report and disposal of emergencies in the financing guarantee sector, work out the emergency response plans for the financing guarantee sector, clarify the disposal agencies and functions thereof and disposing measures and procedures, and timely and effectively handle emergencies in the sector.
Article 45 The regulatory agency shall conduct a full analysis and assessment of the annual development of the financing guarantee sector under its jurisdiction as well as regulation situations by the end of the year, and report the development of the financing guarantee sector under its jurisdiction as well as regulation situations of the previous year to the Interdepartmental Joint Conference for Regulation of Financing Guarantee Business and the Beijing Municipal People's Government with the approval of the Interdepartmental Joint Conference for Regulation of Financing Guarantee Business by the end of February every year.
The regulatory agency shall timely report to the Interdepartmental Joint Conference for Regulation of Financing Guarantee Business and the Beijing Municipal People's Government any material risk event in the financing guarantee sector under its jurisdiction as well as disposals.
Article 46 The financing guarantee industry shall establish a self-disciplinary organization to perform functions of self-discipline, safeguarding of rights and provision of service.
The self-disciplinary organization of the financing guarantee industry in the city shall work under the guidance of the municipal regulatory agency.
Article 47 The credit administration shall incorporate the relevant information of financing guarantee companies into the credit management system and provide information inquiry services to financing guarantee companies.
Chapter 6 Legal Liabilities
Article 48 If any of the staff members of the regulatory agency for supervision and administration is in any of the following circumstances, administrative punishments shall be imposed; and if a crime is constituted, his/her criminal liabilities shall be prosecuted:
(1) Where he/she gives approval for the establishment, alteration, termination and business scope of a financing guarantee company in violation of provisions;
(2) Where he/she conducts on-site inspection of a financing guarantee company in violation of provisions;
(3) Where he/she fails to report any material risk event and disposal thereof in accordance with the provisions; or
(4) Other actions in violation of laws, regulations and provisions herein.
Article 49 If a financing guarantee company violates any law, regulation and provision and there are provisions on punishment prescribed in the relevant laws and regulations, punishment shall be imposed according to the provisions. If the relevant laws and regulations do not contain any provision on punishment, the regulatory agency shall order it to make correction and may impose punishment as warning and penalties; and if a crime is constituted, the company’s criminal liabilities shall be prosecuted.
Article 50 If a financing guarantee company operates any financing guarantee business without the approval of the municipal regulatory agency, the relevant department shall close down the company and give it punishments. If a financing guarantee company uses the characters of “financing guarantee” in its name without approval, the regulatory agency shall order it to make correction and give it punishment according to law.
Chapter 7 Supplementary Provisions
Article 51 The measures herein apply to foreign-invested financing guarantee companies, except as otherwise provided in laws and administrative regulations.
The financing guarantee agencies outside the corporate system engaged in financing guarantee services shall comply with the relevant provisions of these Measures.
The re-guarantee company's internal control; risk management; corporate governance; qualification management of directors, supervisors and senior management personnel, etc. shall comply with the relevant provisions of these Measures.
Article 52 If any financing guarantee company that has been established before implementation of the measures herein does not conform to the provisions herein, it shall satisfy the requirements as prescribed herein before Mar.31, 2011.
Article 53 The measures herein shall enter into force as of the date of promulgation.
Opinions on the Standardization Work of Beijing Financing Guarantee Companies
To implement the Interim Measures for the Administration of Financing Guarantee Companies (Decree No. 3 of 2010) and the Interim Measures for the Administration of Beijing Financing Guarantee Companies (hereinafter referred to as “Interim Measures”) issued by seven departments such as the China Banking Regulatory Commission, standardize the guarantee behavior of the existing financing guarantee companies in this city and promote the healthy development of the financing guarantee industry in this city, the following opinions are now proposed:
1. Guiding ideology
(1) Advance step by step to realize a smooth transition. In the standardization process, closely cooperate with financial management departments and relevant departments in Beijing to give full play to the role of the guarantee industry associations, banking institutions and intermediaries in Beijing, pay equal attention to standardization and service, strive for the understanding and cooperation of the guarantee company, maintain the stability of the city's financing guarantee industry and prevent systemic risks.
(2) Strengthen services and promote development. For better development of the financing guarantee industry, while adhering to regulatory requirements, it is necessary to actively coordinate the relevant departments to resolve the difficulties faced by the various guarantee companies in the standardization process, and support and assist the financing guarantee companies to meet regulatory requirements as soon as possible. Strengthen the regulation and supervision on financial guarantee agencies with outstanding problems and high risks; support financial guarantee institutions with good reputation, strong capital strength, standardized operation and management, and high level of risk control to become stronger and better; gradually improve the competitiveness of the industry and the ability to serve SMEs; and promote the healthy and sustainable development of the industry.
(3) Be open, transparent and fair. Open the approval process, regulatory indicators and approval results to ensure transparency in regulatory and supervision work. Treat the financing guarantee companies in a variety of ownership equally without discrimination, to ensure the fair and equitable regulation and supervision.
(4) Perform division of individual responsibility and collaboration. Give full play to the role of the Interdepartmental Joint Conference for Regulation of Beijing Financing Guarantee (hereinafter referred to as the Joint Conference), and submit major issues and key issues to the Joint Conference for deliberation; integrate the power of the regulatory agencies in each district (county), carry out the labor division with individual responsibility and close cooperation at the municipal and district levels; and give play to the role of the bridge link of the Beijing Credit Guarantee Industry Association and use the professional capabilities of intermediaries to ensure the high quality and high efficiency of standardization work.
2. Implementation steps
The first stage: Policy release and promotion training stage.
After being approved by the municipal government and reported to the Interdepartmental Joint Conference for Regulation of Financing Guarantee for record, the Interim Measures is issued and implemented.
The propaganda and related training of Interim Measures shall be performed on the district (county) regulatory agencies and financing guarantee companies.
The second stage: Acceptance and standardization stage.
According to the Interim Measures, the district (county) regulatory agencies formally accept applications of financial guarantee companies for business licenses.
The municipal regulatory agency organizes professional institutions to conduct assessments and examinations: issue business licenses to financing guarantee companies that are in standardized operation and comply with regulatory requirements; and put forward rectification requirements for financing guarantee companies that do not meet regulatory requirements temporarily, and issue a business license with a shorter term of validity after financing guarantee companies have formulated a rectification plan and promised to rectify it as planned.
The third stage: Stage of supervising and urging the rectification.
The district/county regulatory agency supervises and urges the rectification work according to the rectification requirements and the rectification plan of the financing guarantee company.
The fourth stage: Rectification acceptance stage.
A new business license will be issued to the company that has met regulatory requirements after rectification. The company that fails to meet regulatory requirements after rectification shall suspend the development of new business and continue to carry out rectification. After the rectification requirements are met, a business license will be issued. If the company is unable to meet the regulatory requirements after the rectification, it is necessary to perform the withdrawal of the financing guarantee business and guide and supervise the guarantee company to properly handle the unexpired guarantee obligation.
3. Standardize the work process
(1) The financing guarantee institution submits the application.
The guarantee company that plans to carry out financing guarantee business shall submit the following application materials to the regulatory agency of the district (county):
1. Business license application (original with official seal).
2. The business license (or legal entity registration certificate) that has passed the annual inspection or annual review of the registration management department (original and copy).
3. Other departments' approval documents (copy).
4. The financial audit report of the past two years (original, subject to the submission of opinions by the intermediary agency).
5. The company's articles of incorporation.
6. The credit record report in the basic database of corporate credit information of the People's Bank of China.
7. Statistical tables of company operations (with official seal).
8. Self-inspection report.
9. Application for qualifications of related personnel.
10. The table of proposed directors, supervisors and senior management personnel of Beijing financing guarantee agency.
11. The lawyer's letter confirming that the materials provided are true (provided by a law firm).
The application materials and forms shall be in A4 paper, unified left-side binding, in duplicate, and affixed with an official seal.
(2) Acceptance of district (county) regulatory agency.
The district (county) regulatory agency shall issue a notification of acceptance to the applicant after receiving the full set of application materials that meet the requirements.
(3) Examination by intermediary agencies and expert groups.
After receiving the approval materials submitted by the district (county) regulatory agency, the municipal regulatory agency shall hire professional intermediary agencies such as accounting firms and law firms and expert groups to evaluate the materials provided by the guarantee company, carry out due diligence, and form the evaluation opinions.
(4) Approval of municipal regulatory agency.
The municipal regulatory agency shall examine the application based on the approval opinion of the intermediary agency.
The municipal regulatory agency shall issue a business license to the guarantee company that has passed a review; The municipal regulatory agency shall issue a rectification statement to the guarantee company that has not yet met the regulatory requirements, send a copy of the rectification statement to the regulatory agency of the district (county), and request the company to issue a commitment letter promising that it will meet the regulatory requirements within the specified time. After the guarantee company has formulated a rectification plan and signed a rectification commitment letter, the regulatory agency will issue a business license with a validity period of one year to the guarantee company.
(e) The district (county) regulatory agency supervises the rectification and daily supervision.
In the daily supervision, the district (county) regulatory agency regularly checks the rectification of the guarantee company that has not yet met the regulatory requirements.
A new business license with the period of validity of 5 years will be issued to the company that has met regulatory requirements after rectification. For the company that fails to meet regulatory requirements after rectification, it is necessary to suspend the development of new financing guarantee business and prompt risk to financial institutions.
(6) The withdrawal of financing guarantee business shall be performed on the guarantee company that does not meet regulatory requirements.
For the financing guarantee institutions that are unable to meet the regulatory requirements after the rectification, the regulatory agency shall resolutely implement the withdrawal of the financing guarantee business and cancel their business licenses.