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中国保监会办公厅、mobile365365、 北京市石景山区人民政府关于印发《关于加快推动北京 保险产业园创新发展的实施办法》的通知

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  为贯彻落实《中国保险监督管理委员会 北京市人民政府关于加快推动北京保险产业园创新发展的意见》(保监发〔2014〕20号),完善支持北京保险产业园发展的政策体系,进一步推动北京保险产业园创新发展,我们制定了《关于加快推动北京保险产业园创新发展的实施办法》,现予印发,请遵照执行。
  中国保监会办公厅          mobile365365       
  第一章 总 则
  第一条 为抓住京津冀协同发展重大历史机遇,助力首都构建高精尖经济结构,提升首都核心功能,深入贯彻《国务院关于加快发展现代保险服务业的若干意见》(国发〔2014〕29号)、《中国保险监督管理委员会 北京市人民政府关于加快推动北京保险产业园创新发展的意见》(保监发〔2014〕20号)和《北京市人民政府关于加快发展现代保险服务业的实施意见》(京政发〔2015〕44号),落实首都金融业发展支持政策及中关村国家自主创新示范区、石景山国家服务业综合改革试点区的相关政策,优化发展环境,加快推动北京保险产业园创新发展,根据国家和北京市有关法律、法规,制定本办法。
  第二条 本办法所指的“北京保险产业园”(以下简称“保险产业园”)位于石景山国家服务业综合改革试点区。本办法适用于在保险产业园进行工商注册和税务登记的保险机构。保险行业组织等相关机构可参照执行。
  第三条 北京保险产业园的总体发展目标是立足首都城市战略定位和京津冀协同发展战略,按照“政府推动、市场运作”的原则,高起点、高标准、高水平推动保险产业园开发建设,加强创新引领,打造以保险产业为主体的国家级金融创新示范区。
  第二章 加强组织创新,完善保险市场体系
  第四条 积极发展符合首都功能定位的高端保险产业。进一步完善现代保险市场体系,支持符合准入条件的各类资本在保险产业园设立保险机构。
  第五条 提高保险业对外开放水平。落实国务院批复的北京服务业扩大开放综合试点实施方案,支持境外保险机构在保险产业园发展;支持设立外资健康医疗保险机构;支持保险机构服务国家“一带一路”倡议,扩大保险服务出口,为境内外企业提供风险保障。
  第六条 推进保险业基础设施建设。支持在保险产业园建设全行业的资产托管中心、保险资产交易平台、再保险交易所等。支持中国保险信息技术管理有限责任公司发挥示范引领作用,发展数据收集分析、研发应用、资金支付结算等金融保险业务,为提升保险业风险保障水平,促进行业转型升级提供支持。
  第七条 鼓励创新型保险业态发展。支持在保险产业园设立专业性保险公司、相互保险组织、自保公司、信用保险公司、互联网保险公司等保险机构。
  第八条 鼓励保险中介机构专业化发展,鼓励在保险产业园设立保险中介机构。
  第九条 鼓励发展保险行业服务类公司。支持在保险产业园设立风险评估、损失理算、保险精算、咨询服务等专业服务机构,完善保险产业链,提高行业服务水平。
  第十条 稳步推进保险交易所试点建设。探索开展保单贴现交易,积极研究建立财产保险、人身保险、保险衍生品等场内集中交易场所。
  第十一条 探索在保险产业园建立巨灾风险证券化交易场所,试点开发巨灾债券、巨灾期货等金融工具,吸引社会资本参与巨灾风险管理,完善巨灾风险分散机制。
  第三章 开展产品创新,促进经济社会发展
  第十二条 探索运用保险机制创新公共服务提供方式。充分发挥保险风险管理功能及保险机构的网络、专业技术优势,开发相关保险产品,通过市场化机制,降低公共服务运行成本,提高社会管理效率。
  第十三条 鼓励保险机构开发创新各类具有社会保障功能的商业养老和健康保险产品。按照国家有关政策在个人所得税和保险公司所得税、营业税、产品开发成本费用扣除等方面给予支持。
  第十四条 大力发展食品安全、生态环境治理、安全生产等与公众利益密切相关的责任保险,创新社会治理方式,提升城市治理水平。
  第十五条 服务创新驱动战略。加大科技保险的开发和创新力度,支持国家科技创新中心建设,推动大众创业、万众创新。鼓励保险机构积极开展演艺、赛事、旅游、会展等保险业务,促进保险与文化产业融合发展。
  第十六条 推动保险业与医疗、社保、教育等行业和部门的合作,支持搭建保险机构与医疗机构的对接服务平台,构筑多功能、全方位和高效率的合作共赢机制,促进保险业与相关行业的互动发展。
  第十七条 探索保险产品区域性创新试点。在风险可控的前提下,在费率自主化等方面探索经验。
  第四章 加快服务创新,提升社会保障水平
  第十八条 支持保险机构参与养老健康服务产业链整合。支持符合条件的保险机构投资养老健康服务业。鼓励保险机构创新养老保险服务,为不同群体提供个性化、差异化养老保障。支持保险机构提供与商业健康保险产品相结合的疾病预防、健康维护、慢性病管理等健康管理服务,提高生活性服务业品质。
  第十九条 鼓励保险机构探索建立综合性社区保险服务网点,集医疗、健康咨询、财富管理、人身和财产保险产品咨询、销售及服务为一体,实现对风险的全面管理。
  第二十条 鼓励保险机构运用网络、云计算、大数据、移动互联网等技术促进保险业销售渠道和服务模式创新。
  第二十一条 支持保险机构与商业银行、证券公司、小额贷款公司、融资性担保公司、商业保理公司、互联网企业等各类型机构进行业务合作,鼓励其在服务领域融合发展。
  第二十二条 推动京津冀保险业合作。落实京津冀协同发展战略,鼓励保险机构开发适合京津冀协同发展特点的保险产品和服务,优化服务流程,规范服务标准,为保险消费者提供专业、便捷的保险服务。
  第五章 探索资金运用创新,支持经济转型升级
  第二十三条 支持保险机构以债权投资计划、股权投资计划、夹层基金等形式参与京津冀协同发展、首都城市基础设施等重大项目建设,对项目规划、退出机制、增信措施等进行统筹安排,为保险资金运用与京津冀协同发展提供支撑。
  第二十四条 鼓励保险机构通过投资企业股权、债权、基金、资产支持计划等形式,在合理管控风险的前提下,为科技型企业、中小企业、战略性新兴产业提供资金支持。
  第二十五条 探索保险机构投资、发起资产证券化产品,积极培育另类投资市场,支持保险机构境外投资。
  第二十六条 鼓励符合资质的保险资产管理机构探索与北京市社会保障基金和医疗保险基金的合作模式,提高基金市场化运作水平。
  第二十七条 鼓励保险机构设立不动产、基础设施、养老、健康等专业保险资产管理机构。支持保险资产管理机构设立夹层基金、并购基金、不动产基金等私募基金。鼓励保险机构开展设立基金管理公司试点。
  第六章 推进监管创新,防范化解风险
  第二十八条 开展负面清单管理,创新保险监管体制和方式。试点开展保险公司省级以下分支机构设立及高管人员任职资格备案制管理。
  第二十九条 经监管部门认定,符合保险产业园发展导向并且具有重大创新示范意义的新型法人机构,可以适当优化审批环节和流程。
  第三十条 推进监管体系和监管能力现代化建设。加强京津冀监管合作,建立健全风险监测预警机制,完善风险应急预案,优化风险处置流程,提高风险处置能力。
  第七章 培育保险文化,引领行业发展
  第三十一条 积极践行“守信用、担风险、重服务、合规范”的保险行业核心价值理念,建立健全行业自律规则体系,提升保险产业园发展水平。
  第三十二条 打造弘扬保险文化、展示保险形象的高水平宣传阵地。建设保险研究机构、保险博物馆、资料馆、档案馆等保险文化基础设施。
  第三十三条 推动保险教育和培训产业发展。借助北京智力资源丰富的优势,加大对风险管理、精算、财务、核保核赔、资产管理等专业技术人才的培养力度,为行业发展提供人才支持。
  第八章 加大服务保障,优化发展环境
  第三十四条 加强对保险机构的支持力度。对新设立或新迁入的具有独立法人资格的保险机构,依照北京市促进金融产业发展政策给予支持。
  第三十五条 加强对保险机构办公用地、用房支持力度。
  第三十六条 加强保险人才服务力度。
  第三十七条 加强规划建设服务保障。
  第九章 附 则
  第三十八条 本办法由发文单位负责解释、实施和修改。
        第三十九条 本办法自发布之日起实施。


Notice of the General Office of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission, the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Financial Work and the People's Government of Shijingshan District of Beijing Municipality on Issuing the Implementation Measures for Accelerating the Promotion of the Innovative Development of Beijing Insurance Industry Park
(No. 83 [2015], the General Office of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission)


All relevant departments of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission (“CIRC”); Beijing Bureau of the CIRC; Insurance Association of China, Insurance Society of China, China Association of Actuaries, and Insurance Asset Management Association of China; China Insurance Security Fund Co., Ltd. and China Insurance Information Technology Management Co., Ltd.; all insurance companies; and all relevant entities of Beijing Municipality:
In order to implement the Opinions of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission and the People's Government of Beijing Municipality on Accelerating the Promotion of the Innovative Development of Beijing Insurance Industry Park (Order No. 20 [2014], CIRC), improve the policy system for promoting the development of Beijing Insurance Industry Park, and further promote the innovative development of Beijing Insurance Industry Park, we formulated the Implementation Measures for Accelerating the Promotion of the Innovative Development of Beijing Insurance Industry Park, which are hereby issued to you for your compliance and implementation.
General Office of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission
Beijing Municipal Bureau of Financial Work
People's Government of Shijingshan District of Beijing Municipality
                                                  December 30, 2015

Implementation Measures for Accelerating the Promotion of the Innovative Development of Beijing Insurance Industry Park

Chapter I General Provisions 

Article 1 In order to seize the historic opportunity of the collaborative development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, assist the capital of China in constructing a sophisticated economic structure, improve the core function of the capital of China, thoroughly implement the Several Opinions of the State Council on Accelerating the Development of the Modern Insurance Service Industry(No. 29 [2014], State Council) and the Opinions of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission and the People's Government of Beijing Municipality on Accelerating the Promotion of the Innovative Development of Beijing Insurance Industry Park (No. 20 [2014], CIRC) and the Implementation Opinions of the People' Government of Beijing Municipality on Accelerating the Development of the Modern Insurance Service industry (No. 44 [2015], People' Government of Beijing Municipality), implement the supporting polices for the development of the capital financial industry and the relevant policies for Zhongguancun Science Park and Shijingshan National Service Industry Comprehensive Reform Pilot Area, optimize the development environment, and accelerate the promotion of the innovative development of Beijing Insurance Industry Park, these Measures are formulated in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the state and Beijing Municipality.
Article 2 “Beijing Insurance Industry Park” (hereinafter referred to as “Insurance Industry Park”) as mentioned in these Measures is located in Shijingshan National Service Industry Comprehensive Reform Pilot Area. These Measures shall apply to the insurance agencies that undergo the industrial and commercial registration and tax registration formalities in Insurance Industry Park. Insurance associations and other relevant institutions may implement, mutatis mutandis, these Measures.
Article 3 The overall development objectives of Beijing Insurance Industry Park is to promote the development and construction of Insurance Industry Park from a high starting point and at high standards and levels, strengthen the guidance of innovations, and create the national-level financial innovation demonstration areas with the insurance industry as the subject by being based on the urban strategic positioning of the capital of China and under the principles of “government promotion and market operation.”

Chapter II Strengthening Organization and Innovation and Improving the Insurance Market System

Article 4 The high-end insurance industry in line with the capital function positioning shall be actively developed. The modern insurance market system shall be further improved, and the various types of capital that meet the access conditions shall be supported in forming insurance agencies in Insurance Industry Park.
Article 5 The level of opening-up of the insurance industry shall be improved. The implementation plan for the comprehensive pilot program of the expanded opening-up of the service industry of Beijing Municipality as approved by the State Council in an official reply shall be implemented, and support shall be given to the development of overseas insurance agencies in Insurance Industry Park; the formation of foreign-funded healthcare insurance agencies shall be supported; and insurance agencies shall be supported in serving the“the Belt and Road” strategy of the state, expanding the export of insurance services, and providing risk guarantee for domestic and overseas enterprises.
Article 6 The infrastructure construction of the insurance industry shall be promoted. The construction of the asset custody centers, insurance asset trading platforms, and reinsurance exchanges, among others, of the whole industry in Insurance Industry Park shall be supported. China Insurance Information Technology Management Co., Ltd. shall be supported in playing the exemplary and leading roles to develop data collection and analysis, research and development application, fund payment and settlement and other financial insurance business, so as to provide support for improving the risk guarantee level of the insurance industry and promote the industry transformation and upgrading.
Article 7 The development of the innovative insurance forms shall be encouraged. The formation of specialized insurance companies, mutual insurance organizations and captive insurance companies, credit insurance companies, Internet insurance companies and other insurance agencies in Insurance Industry Park shall be supported.
Article 8 The professional development of insurance intermediary institutions shall be encouraged, and the formation of insurance intermediary institutions in Insurance Industry Park shall be encouraged.
Article 9 The development of the service companies in the insurance industry shall be encouraged. The formation of risk evaluation, loss adjustment, actuarial studies, consultation service and other professional service institutions shall be supported; so as to perfect the insurance industry chain, and improve the industry service level shall be improved.
Article 10 The pilot construction of insurance exchanges shall be steadily promoted. Ways shall be explored to conduct the policy discount transactions, and active research shall be conducted to establish the property insurance, personal insurance, insurance derivative and other intra-market centralized trading places.
Article 11 The establishment of Catastrophe Risk Securitization Exchange in Insurance Industry Park shall be explored. Catastrophe bonds and catastrophe futures and other financial instruments shall be developed on a trial basis, to attract social capital to participated in catastrophe risk management and improve catastrophe risk dispersion mechanism.

Chapter III Carrying out product innovation and promoting economic and social development

Article 12 The innovation of delivery of public services by utilizing insurance mechanism shall be explored. Insurance risk management function as well as the advantages of network and professional skills shall be brought into full play. Relevant insurance products shall be developed. Operating cost of public services shall be reduced through marketization mechanism to improve social management efficiency.
Article 13 Insurance agencies shall be encouraged to develop and innovate various kinds of commercial pension insurance and health insurance products with social security function. Support shall be provided in terms of individual income tax, insurance company income tax, business tax and deduction of product decampment cost, etc. in accordance with relevant national policies.
Article 14 Liability insurances closely related to public interest, including food security, ecological environment management and work safety, shall be developed vigorously, to innovate social governance method and improve urban governance level.
Article 15 Strategies shall be driven by service innovation. The development and innovation of scientific and technological insurance shall be enhanced. The establishment of national innovation center for science and technology shall be supported and mass entrepreneurship and innovation shall be promoted. Insurance agencies shall be encouraged to actively carry out insurance business for entertainment, events and competitions and exhibitions, to promote the integrated development of insurance and culture industry.
Article 16 The cooperation between insurance industry and medical care, social security and education and other industries shall be promoted. The establishment of docking service platform for insurance agencies and medical institutions shall be supported, to develop a multifunctional, all-around and high-efficiency win-win cooperation mechanism and promote the interactive development of insurance industry and relevant industries.
Article 17 Regional innovation pilots of insurance products shall be explored. On the premise of controllable risks, experiences in rate autonomization and other aspects shall be explored.

Chapter IV Accelerating service innovation and Improving Social Security Level

Article 18 Insurance agencies shall be supported to participate in the integration of pension and health service industry chains. Qualified insurance agencies shall be supported to invest in pension and health service industry. Insurance agencies shall be encouraged to innovate pension insurance service, to provide personalized and differentiate pension security for different groups. Insurance agencies shall be supported to provide disease prevention, health maintenance and chronic disease management and other health management services in combination with commercial health insurance products, to improve the quality of life service industry.
Article 19 Insurance agencies shall be encouraged to explore the establishment of comprehensive community insurance service centers, integrating medical care, health consultation, wealth management and the consultation, marketing and service of life and property insurance products, to realize comprehensive management of risks.
Article 20 Insurance agencies shall be encouraged to utilize network, cloud computing, big data and mobile internet and other technologies to promote the innovation of the marketing channel and service mode of insurance industry.
Article 21 Insurance agencies shall be supported to carry out business cooperation with commercial bank, security company, micro-loan company, financing guarantee company, commercial factoring company and Internet enterprises and other various kinds of organizations, and its integrated development in service field shall be encouraged.
Article 22 Cooperation of insurance industries in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei shall be promoted. Collaborative development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei shall be implemented. Insurance agencies shall be encouraged to develop the insurance products and services suitable for the characteristics of collaborative development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei to optimize service process and normalize service standards, and provide professional and convenient insurance services to insurance consumers.
Chapter V Exploring capital utilization innovation and supporting economic transformation and upgrading

Article 23 Insurance agencies shall be supported to participate in the collaborative development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei and the construction of infrastructure and other major projects in the Capital City in the form of creditor investment plan, equity investment plan and mezzanine fund, etc. Overall arrangements shall be made to project planning, withdrawal mechanism and credit enhancement measures, to support insurance capital utilization and the collaborative development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei.
Article 24 Insurance agencies shall be encouraged to provide financial support to scientific and technological enterprises, SMEs and strategic emerging industries by the means of investing in enterprise equity, creditor's rights, funds and asset-backed plan, etc.
Article 25 Investment of insurance agencies shall be explored and asset securitization products shall be launched to actively cultivate alternative investment market and support overseas investment of insurance agencies.
Article 26, Qualified insurance asset management agencies shall be encouraged to explore the mode of cooperation with Beijing social security fund and medical benefits fund, to improve the level of marketable operation of funds.
Article 27 Insurance agencies shall be encouraged to establish professional insurance asset management agencies, including real estate, infrastructure, pension and health, etc. Insurance asset management agencies shall be supported to establish mezzanine funds, buyout funds and real estate funds and other privately-offered funds. Insurance agencies shall be encouraged to carry out the establishment of fund management company pilot. 

Chapter VI Promoting regulatory innovation and Preventing and mitigating risks

Article 28 Negative list management shall be carried out and regulatory system and approach of insurance shall be innovated. The establishment of branches under the provincial level and archive-filing management of qualification of senior executives of insurance companies shall be carried out in on a trial basis.
Article 29 Approved by regulators, for new corporate institutions conforming to the development orientation of Insurance Industry Park and with great innovation demonstration significance, examination and approval process may be optimized appropriately.
Article 30 Construction of modernization of regulatory system and regulatory capacity shall be promoted. Regulatory cooperation of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei shall be enhanced. A robust risk monitoring and early warning mechanism shall be established. Risk emergency plan shall be improved. Risk disposition process shall be optimized to improve risk disposition capability.

Chapter VII Cultivating insurance culture and Leading industry development

Article 31 The core value concept of insurance industry of “be trustworthy, undertaking the risks, service first and compliance with regulations” shall be actively executed. An industry-wide system of self-regulation rules shall be established to improve the development level of Insurance Industry Park.
Article 32 The high-level propaganda front shall be built to promote insurance culture and present the image of insurance. Insurance culture infrastructure, including insurance research institution, insurance museum, data library and archives, shall be constructed.
Article 33 The development of insurance education and training industry shall be promoted. Relying on the advantage of abundant intellectual resources in Beijing, training on professional and technical talents in risk management, actuarial science, finance, underwriting and claims assessment and asset management shall be further enhanced, to provide talents to support industry development.

Chapter VIII Increasing service assurance and optimizing development environment

Article 34 Support to insurance agencies shall be enhanced. Support shall be provided to the newly-established or newly-settled insurance agencies with the qualification of an independent legal person in accordance with the policies on promoting the development of financial industry of Beijing Municipality.
Article 35 The support to the office land and buildings of insurance agencies shall be enhanced.
(I) on the premise that capital strategic positioning, urban planning and land utilization are met, classification security will be implemented to land of Insurance Industry Park. Where relevant conditions are met after examination, with the approval of Municipal Government, the construction project invested and owned and used by insurance agencies will be executed in accordance with existing policies on promoting financial development.
(II) Where insurance agencies lease office buildings for engaging in insurance business, support will be provided in accordance with the policies on promoting the development of financial industry of Beijing Municipality.
Article 36 Services for insurance talents shall be enhanced.
    (I) Incentives for high-end talents shall be enhanced. Incentives shall be provided by local institution to high-end talents in insurance agencies meeting relevant conditions according to his/her contribution.
(II) The level of services for high-end talents shall be improved. Services in terms of talent introduction, housing security, medical care and health, education and training and children education, etc. shall be enhanced.
(III) Insurance agencies may deposit housing provident fund for employees as per the proportion of not more than 12% of total wages of employees. Housing provident fund of employees will not be restricted by the upper limit of monthly deposit amount.
(IV) The implementation of individual tax-deferred commercial pension insurance pilot in Insurance Industry Park shall be promoted.
Article 37 Planning and construction service assurance shall be enhanced.
(I) Working mechanism shall be improved. The joint conference system for the construction of Insurance Industry Park participated by Development and Reform Department of China Insurance Regulatory Commission, relevant department of Beijing Municipality and People's Government of Shijingshan District shall be established for overall coordination and resolution of the major issues during construction and development.
(II) Major projects and key engineering in the Park shall be included in the green channel of Beijing Municipality, to improve the efficiency of service assurance.
(III) Agent service system of settlement of insurance agencies shall be established. Whole-process agent service shall be carried out in terms of industrial and commercial registration and execution of taxation, etc.

Chapter IX Supplementary provisions

Article 38 The Measures shall be interpreted, executed and amended by the issuing unit.
Article 39 The Measures will be executed from the date of issuance.
Source: Website of China Insurance Regulatory Commission